Bev Barnet and Greg Newlon were our featured artists last Friday and put on a wonderful show. They are a very personable couple, very much in love with their music and each other. They praised our venue and our food, of course we fed them, and we had a wonderful evening.
Next Friday, May 2 is our next first Friday poetry night, with featured poet, Dave Lunde,
followed by an open mic session. If it is anything close to the previous ones, it'll be well worth participating, as audience or poet/reader.
We continue to meet new and exciting people every day and look forward to seeing them on a regular basis for good food and fellowship. After all we cater to anyone with a hungry mind or body, serving books and food with equal elan. Speaking of catering, we now offer goody trays with advance notice. These trays are perfect for office meetings and feature breakfast muffins and cookies or crepes, quiche and soup. We make our soup and quiche from scratch and always start the day with a vegetarian version of each.
The cord of romance novels is dwindling fast with some non profit groups sharing the bounty, providing plenty of reading for their clients.
Saturday and Sunday are beignet days - we serve the tasty French doughnut with chicory or regular coffee or on their own. Mention you read about it here and get an up-sized order (four rather than the usual three).
Jerry and Jessica