Friday, February 29, 2008

Hearts in A(c) cord

When we purchased the bookstore that seeded our new endeavor, we ended up with many books in genres we knew we would not romances. Now, before anyone accuses us of being elitist, let me (Jessica) freely admit that I've read my share of these. But, those of you who've visited the store know that we have a finite amount of room and a large list of books we want to feature. So, long story room for romances. "Romance, we have room for," Jerry adds as he reads over my shoulder.

Anyhoo, we ended up with more than a cord (that's a firewood cord 4'x4'x8') of romance novels. That's several thousand tomes of lust, love, like, dislike, like again, bodice ripping, rippling muscles and assorted examples of pulchritude and prurience. What to do?

The very number of volumes cried out for a large event, maybe even a world record! Enter the Guinness World Records. Yep, you heard it right...we've applied and been accepted to set a world record for the most romances sold in one business day by a brick and mortar independent bookstore. It took a week or so to get our claim number, but now we can tell the world.

My brother, Matt, has built us a big frame and he's busy stacking it full of books. (pictures show stacking in progress) The big event, which we are calling Hearts in A(c)Cord (yes, we know it's cheesy) is scheduled for Saturday, March 15 from 10am to 6pm. Paperbacks are $1 each and hardbacks are $2. Some volumes are first editions worth up to $25.

Once we have all the books in the box, we'll begin a contest to see who can guess how many books are in the stacks. The winner will be the one who guesses closest without going over and will win dinner for two at Colette's.

We've got two other records slated for that day...the most romances sold in one minute and the most romances sold to a man. -K-DOCK will be broadcasting live during the sale. But wait, there's more....we have also put out a Call to Artists for an art piece that incorporates at least one romance novel (the actual novel). Any medium is allowed. The pieces must be submitted by March 31...juried and hung in time for the April ArtWalk. The People's Choice will be voted on by the public and awarded at the end of the evening.

Half of all proceeds will be divided between the Women's Safety and Resource Center and Food Share which supports the local Food Pantries.

You don't read romances? Buy a bag and hand them out to your friends, use them as white elephant gifts, donate them to a local shelter or make art out of them. Remember, romance is not dead and romance novels never die, they just get recycled for a good cause.

Jerry and Jessica


Monday, February 25, 2008

Live music - again!

Dano and his romantic guitar along with new friend and fellow musician Lynda Cole graced our stage yesterday, providing a wonderful background to the ambiance of Colette's. They are working on a demo CD.
The second picture is a serving of beignets, which we offer each Saturday and Sunday. A beignet is a French "doughnut" made to order, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and served hot, traditionally with chicory coffee. We blend our house blend organic fair trade coffee with organic chicory to create a true "N'awlins" flavor.
Keep checking back to be in the know about our upcoming Guiness world record try.
Jerry and Jessica

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We've been Klemke'd!

We had a fun filled afternoon with Sam Klemke, caricature artist and humorist, on our stage. Many folk stopped by, some just to say hi, some for food or books. All in all a very pleasant day.
We're expecting a large shipment of new books today and over the rest of the week. Come in and peruse, you may be pleasantly surprised. Soups today are vegetarian chili and our signature hearty vegetable with Italian sausage, Emeriled ("kicked up a notch ... Pow!").
Jerry and Jessica

Saturday, February 16, 2008

More books + goodies

We have numerous cutting edge books. Of particular note is Finding Grace the Face of America's Homeless, a collection of photographs by Lynn Blodgett, which was featured on Sunday Morning, a CBS program, last Sunday. We also have three new books on war: Here Bullet by Brian Turner, War is a Racket by Brigadier General Smedley D Butler, and In the Hot Zone - one man, one year, twenty wars by Kevin Sites.

After you've fed your mind (or while you are) feed your body on our delectible goodies or delicious crepes, soups or quiche. We have a new temptation we developed today, oatmeal cookies sandwiching a chocolate espresso gnosh, Amanda's Mocha Munchies. Yummy!!

Jerry and Jessica

Friday, February 15, 2008

Books, books, and more books

I've mentioned a few books over the past few blogs, and thought that it would be fun to dedicate an entire post to some of the new books we offer. Some are just fun, like "Fifty Places to Go Birding before You Die" by Chris Santella or the biography of Roger Tony Peterson, the well known birder and naturalist who wrote "the field guide that changed the world" (Bill Thompson III, editor of Bird Watchers Digest). Others are of a definitely more serious vein, such as American Fascism + God - Sermons from a Heretical Preacher by Davidson Loehr, or Fundamentalist Mind by Stephen Larsen; Ten Amazing People and How They Changed the World by Maura D Shaw or What Can I Do Today? - to Make the World a Happier Place by Allison Stoutland. --- Just some of the many fine offerings we have available.

Jerry and Jessica


Thursday, February 14, 2008

The artists, are coming!

This Thursday is Art Walk, and we are fortunate to have Curt Hitch demonstrating his painting prowess. Come in and chat with him (he enjoys it) and sample our goodies and beverages.
Next Monday be sure to drop in for caricaturist, Sam Klemke, who will grace our stage with his wit and talent(noon til 7pm). Spend a few minutes and a few dollars ($10 for black and white or $20 for color) and have a new conversation piece for your coffee table or kitchen refrigerator.
We are now a Bookcrossing center!!! "Bookcrossing is the act of releasing books 'into the wild' and then following their journeys and the lives they touch." This is possible through drop off (and pick up) centers which we now are, and a website The idea is that each book in the program has a unique id number which can be entered in the site and allow a person to track where it has been, write in their comments about the book, and any of the circumstances of their acquiring the book that they wish to share. The book is then returned to a center (they are listed on the site) to continue its journey.
We still have a few copies of the Eckhart Tolle book "A New Earth", which Oprah is featuring in a 10 week online workshop.
Jerry and Jessica

Monday, February 11, 2008

Dano, a visitor to our area from southern California, honored us with his Romantic guitar on Sunday afternoon. He was joined later by flautist Lynda Cole in a wonderful jam session. He is planning on a repeat performance next Sunday.

Curt Hitch will be demonstrating his painting prowess during the upcoming Art Walk (Thursday February 14th from 5 to 8 pm). Be sure to drop in to visit and try samples of our crepes, goodies and beverages.
Caricaturist Sam Klemke will be on our stage sharing his talent and humor (Monday February 18th from 1-8 pm).
Jerry and Jessica

Saturday, February 9, 2008

John Flynn rocks the house

John kept his audience glued to their seats with his delivery, lyrics and endearing fill between numbers. It was a wonderful evening, and there is a good chance we'll be able to get a rerun in late Summer or early Fall. Although he was only planning a short performance, the response and performer - audience connection led him to go a little longer, even though he was planning to drive to Eugene for an afternoon concert today. He will be performing tonight at a house concert in Bandon at Janet and Ken Bates' residence.

Special sale!! All of Chisum Lucas's prints are on sale for 25% off through February 29th. For those not familiar with her work, she has an amazing touch for clouds, and primarily does landscapes. Of particular note is her rendition of the Coquille River Lighthouse before it was painted the current red. Come in and see for yourself.

Jerry and Jessica

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chris and Paul made it to North Bend!

Chris Chandler, performance poet extraordinaire and renowned blues guitarist Paul Benoit brought their road show to North Bend last night, playing to a small but very appreciative audience. We spaced the fact that it was Super Tuesday, and as it turned out, many who indicated interest were busy watching the Primary Returns. Chris and Paul put on an excellent show and plan to be back in July, sometime around the dates of the Oregon Country Fair. Be watching our blog to stay informed of the exact date and time. They are awesome, so be sure to mark your calendar's in ink when we nail down the date. You won't regret it.
There is one more performance scheduled for this week. John Flynn, singer/songwriter/activist will be here Friday, February 8th at 7pm on his first trip to Oregon. Flynn has been likened to a young Kris Kristofferson, and performs edgy contemporary folk music - humor with a message. The week after his performance here, he'll be appearing on a panel with former Attorney General Janet Reno talking about the power of music to bring about social justice.
On our bookshelves, we have only two of Thom Hartmann's most recent, "Cracking the Code" left with more on order. We're also waiting for more copies of his other books, so readers can enjoy a full complement of Hartmann's wisdom. Tickets for Thom's upcoming visit to Coos County (May 3rd at the Coquille Community Center) will be available at Colette's.
For those of you who keep hearing about LNG but aren't sure what all the fuss is about, you can educate yourself with a copy of Virginia L Thorndike's "LNG A Level-Headed Look at the Liquefied Natural Gas Controversy". The book is fairly evenhanded. According to some in the No on LNG movement, the book offers an excellent education. Dana Gaab says that while the book is slightly slanted toward the "pro" side of the issue, "even some of the things you read there indicate LNG is not a good thing." For the lighter side of LNG, we still have some free CDs by Harry Stamper, local singer/songwriter. On the CD, Stamper sings some very funny songs about a very serious subject.
Jerry and Jessica

Sunday, February 3, 2008

First concert a success

We had our first advertised concert on Saturday. Harry Stamper was well received by a small but attentive and very appreciative audience. His song "Eugene" was so well received it was requested as an encore. All in all a very pleasant afternoon. The thrust of the concert was to support LNG dissent, and most of the songs he sang were in that vein, humorous, yet with a message. Several of the attendees will be traveling to Salem on Wednesday to let their view be known in the Capitol.

Speaking of concerts, we have two more in the coming week. Chris Chandler & Paul Benoit ($10 suggested donation) on Tuesday February 5th and John Flynn (suggested donation $7.50) on Friday February 8th. All are well known talents and we are fortunate to host them in North Bend. Please show your support. All donations go directly to the artist.

Jerry and Jessica
